To continue with traditional Korean teachings, Korean terms are incorporated into our classes.

General Terms Opening Counting
Techniques Body Parts Strikes
Blocks Kicks Stances



General Terms

Korean Pronunciation English Translation
Dojang Doe-jung Training Hall
Dobok Doe-bock Uniform
Dee D Belt
Dan (1-9) Dawn Black belt ranks
Gup (10-1) Gup Colored ranks
Kihap Ki-yup Yell
Sabum nym Sa-ba-nim Head Instructor
Kyosah nym Keo-sa-nim Instructor
Anyong Hashmanika An-yo-hush-ma-ne-ka Are you well?  (Formal Greeting)
ahnyong hasayo An-yo-ha-say-o How are you? (Less Formal)
mian hamnida Me-un-hum-ni-da I am sorry
Chosumnida Cho-sum-ni-da That’s OK
Kom sahap nida Kom-sup-ne-da Thank you
Chon man ayo Ch-on-may –yo You are welcome
Sheshak She-shack Start
Guman Goo-mon End or Finished
Chon ji chon-jee Stop
Keesup Ke-sup Continue
Shaio show Relax/rest
Ee duh nah E-duhn-ah Stand up
Pa qua Pa-kwa Switch
Baro Baa-roh Back to ready stance
Il su sheek darion Ill-sue-sheik-die-ron One-step sparring
Ja woo Darion jah-woo-die-ron Free-style sparring
Ho sin sul Ho-sin-sool Self-defense
Kyuk pa Key-uk-pa Breaking
Hyung He-young Forms
Poomse Poohm-say Forms
Ja seh Ja-say Stance
Jong yul Jong –yule Line Up
Dorah Do-rah Turn about
Ahnjoe On-jo Sit
Chong shim Chong-shim Balance


As we practice a traditional martial art, we open class the same way every time using the terms below.

Opening Terms

Choonbae Chun-bee Ready Stance
Cher yut Chair-yut Stand at Attention
Kuki ye te han cookie-e-ta-han Face the flags
Kyung yet Kung-yet Bow
Mak nyum Muck-num Formal meditation
Sabum nym Ki Kyung et Sa-ba-nim-k-kung-yet Bow to the Instructor


In addition, we regularly count in Korean


Hana Haa-naa One
Dul Dual Two
Set Set Three
Net Net Four
Dasot Da-set Five
Yasot Yo-set Six
Ilgup Ill-gope Seven
Yodol Yo-dual Eight
Ahop A-hope Nine
Yeol Yo Ten


After 10, numbers are assembled (i.e. Yeol-Set is thirteen) and the following terms are used for the tens place.

Seumul See-mool Twenty
Seoheun So-hun Thirty
Maheun Mo-han Forty
Swin Swin Fifty
Yesun ee-sun Sixty
Ilheun Ill-hun Seventy
Yeodeun Yo-duhn Eighty
Aheun Ah-hun Ninety
Pac Pack Hundred


There are also many words we use for techniques:


Sang dan Sung-dawn High area
Chung dan Chung-dawn Middle area
Ha dan Ha-dawn Low area
Ahp Up Front
Yoep Yup Side
Dol reyo Dol-re-oh Round
Pondae Pond-a Reverse
Sang Sang Double
Dwee-rho d-we-ro Backwards
Opero Oper-o Forward
Twi-myo Twim-yo Flying
Eedan ee-dan Jumping
Dolmyo Dol-myo Spinning


Body Parts

Muhree Mo-ree Head
Noon Noon Eye
Ko Co Nose
Eep Eep Mouth
Mahk Mock Neck
Ouka Oka Shoulder
Myungchi Me-young-chi Solar plexus
Pahl Pal Arm
Pahlkup Pal-coop Elbow
Pahlmahk Pal-mock Forearm
Sahnmahk San-mock Wrist
Sahn San Hand
Nang-sim Nahn-sim Groin
Dahlree Tal-ree Leg
Mooreup More-oop Knee
Bahlmahk Ball-mock Ankle
Bahl Ball Foot


Strikes (chigi)

Kong kyuk Kong-key-uck Straight Punch or attack
Telyu kong kyuk Tell-you-kong-key-uck Reverse Punch
Sahnkeut chigi Sahn-cut-chi-gi Spear finger Thrust
Batangsohn Chigi Bat-on-son-chi-gi Palm Heel Strike


Blocks (makgi)

Hadan makgi Ha-dawn-mock-gi Low Block
Sangdan-makgi Song-dawn-mock-gi High Block
Anro pakesu makgi An-ro-pa-kes-oo-mock-gi In to Out Block
Pakesu Anuro makgi Pa-kes-oo-an-ur-o-mock-gi Out to In Block
Sudo makgi Su-do-mock-gi Knife Hand Block
Go-dul-lo-makgi Go-dual-lo-mock-gi Double Forearm Block


Kicks (chagee)

Ahp chagee Up-cha-gee Front kick
Yop chagee Yup-cha-gee Side Kick
Dolreyo chagee Dole-re-yo-cha-gee Round kick
Yup horigee Yup-ho-rig-ee Hook Kick
Dwi Chagee Duh-we-cha-gee Back Kick


Stances (jah seh)

Chungle jah seh Ch-ung-el-ja-say Front Stance
Hoogle jah seh Who-gull-ja-say Back Stance
Kima jah seh Key-ma-ja-say Horse Riding Stance
Choonbae jah seh Chun-bee-ja-say Ready Stance
Cher yut jah seh Chair-yet-ja-say Attention Stance
Mot jah seh Moat-ja-say Fighting Stance



Kicho Hyung Il Bu Key-cho-he-young-ill-bu Basic form 1
Kicho Hyung Ee Bu Key-cho-he-young-ee-bu Basic form 2
Kicho Hyung Sam Bu Key-cho-he-young-sam-bu Basic form 3
Pyong Ahn Cho Dan p-yong-cho-don Peace and Safety form 1
Pyong Ahn Eee Dan p-yong-ee-don Peace and Safety form 2
Pyong Ahn Sam Dan p-yong-sam-don Peace and Safety form 3
Pyong Ahn Sa Dan p-yong-sah-don Peace and Safety form 4
Pyong Ahn o Dan p-yong-O-don Peace and Safety form 5
Bassai Hyung Buy-siy-he-yong To Penetrate the Fortress
Koryo Poomse Co-re-yo-poom-say Form of the learned man
Naihanchi Cho Dan Ni-atch-he-cho-don Knight on Horse form 1
Naihanchi Ee Dan Ni-atch-he-ee-don Knight on Horse form 2